Outgoing Students
Explore your study abroad options by reviewing the region and institution details given on the partnering institution page. Learn about your different choices and pick the programme that is right for you.
Circular Date: 22-10-2021
Erasmus + Funded Sem Abroad opportunity to University of Padova, Italy
For the PGDM First-year students, we bring one of the most prestigious study scholarships in the world - the Erasmus Plus. Two students can spend the Spring Trimester with our academic partner - University of Padova, Italy, from Jan to March funded by the Erasmus+ KA107 International Credit Mobility Programme. For initial screening, those who are interested must fill up the “Link” sent by email and upload your updated CV and a write-up. The write up shall be of less than 300 words about the reason ‘why you should be selected and can be following the CV part, uploaded as a single word document. Depending on the number of applicant’s different parameters like percentage of UG, competitive exam, class performance, attendance, competency in foreign language preferably Italian etc. and may be finalized through personal interview or any other criteria prescribed by the selection team.
Submission deadline: 5 pm, Tuesday, 26 October 2021. Please refer to the ERASMUS DOCUMENT for details. For any more clarification please email or visit the International Office, RBS.
Available Programmes
- Twinning Programme
The Rajagiri Business School has been instituted as a response to globalization in the field of higher education and offers quality programmes which equip professionals to effectively perform in the global arena.
RBS has signed up MOU for the twinning programme in PGDM with the following five universities:
1. Western Michigan University, USA
2. Columbus State University, USA
3. James Cook University, Australia
4. Australian Catholic University, Australia
5. Assumption University, Thailand
Please contact our international office to obtain more information
- Semester Abroad Programme
Rajagiri Business School is recognized across the country for its high standards of education, exciting opportunities and excellent placement. To maintain its top position, the institution is spearheading with Semester Abroad Program (SAP), a unique initiative providing its students international exposure and global opportunities.
Under the Semester Abroad Program the students are allowed to take up a few courses and /or a Major project in reputed foreign universities for ONE semester. The credits earned in the foreign university through the SAP will be translated into RBS credits, by an approved conversion procedure, and taken for consideration for the award of the degree by RBS. After the study period at a foreign university, the students return to RBS to continue with the program for which they were enrolled, and after fulfilling all the necessary conditions laid out in the regulations of RBS, the student will become eligible for the award of the PGDM.
Please contact our international office to obtain more information
- Dual Degree Programme
The international dual degree at Rajagiri Business School (RBS): Provides students with the opportunity to pursue two degrees, one from RBS and the other from a foreign university in two years, giving students the opportunity to get developed in a truly global perspective.
Dual Degree programs allow RBS to offer a PGDM program which will have their regular curricula. The existing curricula may be supplemented by additional curricula of the partnering universities if required. In short within two years students will be awarded a PGDM certificate from RBS and the degree certificate from a foreign university.
RBS international programmes are designed to stimulate curiosity and love for learning, which widens the scope of educational opportunity and access for students. RBS works closely with leading universities around the world to offer an affordable way of getting an internationally recognized qualification. In response to enquiries from parents and students across the country for (i) Twining programmes (ii) Dual Degree programmes, RBS is well positioned to offer such programmes in collaboration with world’s best universities to provide students with skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century as well as empower all students to be engaged citizens of the world..
Please contact our international office to obtain more information
- Summer School Programme
RBS encourages students to live and learn globally. As a part of it RBS promotes International summer school programmes which is based on entrepreneurial innovation and academic excellence, which enriches student’s curiosity, creativity, and knowledge and helps them to reach full potential. A 2 week programme which provides an opportunity to Study alongside with a dynamic, diverse student body from different countries in small classes with dedicated instructors, with the opportunity to earn credits. Now summer school programmes are an inevitable part of Office of International Affairs that is enquired and demanded by the foreign universities to send their students for a very systematic cultural immersion to India.
Please contact our international office to obtain more information
- Rajagiri Student Overseas Internship Programme
Self-discovery happens outside your comfort zone and classrooms. By immersing yourself in a new environment filled with new perspectives you'll learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible. Your choice to intern abroad will impact your future, create lifelong connections and a global network. Whatever your motivation, an internship abroad can help you on the path to your dream career.
As a part of internationalization, every academic year RBS is placing students overseas for their two months internship.
Please contact our international office to obtain more information
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