We are delighted to announce the launch of an online Certificate Verification System www.rajagiri.directverify.in to facilitate expeditious verification of students’ certificates.
The increase in counterfeit certificates worldwide has been a major concern over the years and has caused tremendous damages to various institutions. This system will enable Embassies, Organizations and agencies worldwide to verify Rajagiri Business School students’ certificate online from anywhere in the world to safeguard them from the fake document menace. Verification request status can be monitored by using the transaction numbers. Furthermore, net banking, credit cards and debit cards facility is enabled for making payment for raising a request for verification.
As the new enhanced process is ready for use, we request all Educational institutions, Employers and Corporate Organizations who have recruited or enrolled Rajagiri Business School students to start using the Online Certificate Verification System. Here onwards institutions will not accept any verification request through courier, e-mail, phone calls or fax.
We request to contact our Online Certificate Verification Technical Query Team for more details at:-
Phone: +91 9094616161 or +91 44 6646 9879
Email: support@myeasydocs.com