- Designation : Assistant Professor
- Qualification : Ph.D
- Email-ID : vimal@rajagiri.edu
Vimal Krishnan R holds a partnered Ph.D. in design from the Department of Design, IIT Hyderabad and the School of Design and Architecture, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. His doctoral study focused on the interplay of emotion and cognition in conceptual graphic design. His research articles have been published in leading international peer reviewed journals such as Design Studies and The Design Journal. He has also contributed chapters to the proceedings of several international conferences. He has presented papers and posters at several national and international conferences organized by University of Strathclyde, U.K., Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K., Politecnico Di Milano, Italy, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru and IDC – IIT Mumbai. He has also completed a new media storytelling project supported by India Foundation for the Arts, Bengaluru, which leverages the power of emerging technologies like virtual reality. As a teaching assistant, he has delivered sessions on topics like ‘Design and Emotion’ (interaction design course-IIT Hyderabad), ‘Design, Empathy, VR’ (AI and Interaction design course – IIT Hyderabad), ‘Word and Image’ (Word and image course- IIT Hyderabad). His broad research interests include graphic design, visual design, visual culture, design cognition, and new approaches to studying the creative and reflective traditions of India.
- Partnered Ph.D. in Design, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Swinburne University of Technology
- M.S. Communication
Work Experience
- 2022 – Visiting faculty, Design Thinking elective, Rajagiri Business School, Kochi
- 2013-2015 - Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Media and Communication, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
- 2011-2012 - Corporate Communications/Marine Sales Officer – IOCL
Journal Publication
Articles in peer reviewed journals:
- Rangarajan, V., Onkar, P. S., De Kruiff, A., & Barron, D. (2022). The role of perception of affective quality in graphic design inspiration. The Design Journal, pp 867-886 Volume 25, 2022 - Issue 5 - Scopus Q2
- Rangarajan, V., Onkar, P. S., De Kruiff, A., & Barron, D. (2022). A descriptive phenomenological approach to perception of affective quality in design inspiration. Design Studies, 78, 101072. - Scopus Q1
- Vimal Krishnan R. (2018). Reimagining Perumthachan’s Pond: Information and Experience in Virtual Reality Narratives. Communication and Journalism Research 7(2). Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calicut.
Conference Proceedings:
- Rangarajan, V., Onkar, P.S., De Kruiff, A., Barron, D. (2023). Imager, Interpreter, Aesthete: Roles Played by Design Students in Graphic Design Ideation. In: Gero, J.S. (eds) Design Computing and Cognition’22. DCC 2022. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20418-0_42
- Rangarajan, V., Onkar, P.S., De Kruiff, A., Barron, D. (2022). Correction to: Understanding Emotion in Design Inspiration Contexts Through the Core Affect Model. In: Chakrabarti, A., Poovaiah, R., Bokil, P., Kant, V. (eds) Design for Tomorrow—Volume 3. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 223. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-0084-5_76
- Vimal Krishnan, R., Onkar, P.S. (2019). Virtual Reality References in Design Problem Solving: Towards an Understanding of Affect-Cognition Interaction in Conceptual Design. In: tom Dieck, M., Jung, T. (eds) Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Progress in IS. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-06246-0_18
Conferences Attended
- Invited resource person for design thinking, 2nd Refresher Course in e-content Development and Online Pedagogy in Social Science Teaching, The UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, University of Calicut, March, 2023
- Co-evolution of design research and design practice - implications of new methodological developments on future design processes - Design Process SIG workshop (presented abstract of a potential paper/book chapter) University of Rostock, Germany, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi, Open University. U.K, The Design Society, January 2023
- Rangarajan, V., Onkar, P. S., Kruiff, A. D., & Barron, D (2022). Imager, Interpreter, Aesthete: Roles Played by Design Students in Graphic Design Ideation. 10th Design Computing and Cognition Conference held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 2-July 6, 2022 – Paper presentation
- Rangarajan, V., Onkar, P. S., Kruiff, A. D., & Barron, D. (2022). Correction to: Understanding Emotion in Design Inspiration Contexts Through the Core Affect Model. In Design for Tomorrow—Volume 3 (pp. C1-C1). Springer, Singapore.
- Rangarajan, V., (2021). Workshop on ‘Advances in Design Cognition Measurement’(online). 9th Design Computing and Cognition Conference organized by Georgia Institute of Technology, USA – Workshop participant.
- Rangarajan, V., (2020) Invited participant at Design Studies Research Notes: Virtual Special Issue Workshop (Online). Technical University of Denmark, Denmark – Invited workshop participant
- Rangarajan, V (2019) The Role of Emotion in Conceptual Graphic Design: A Study of Design Students, Building Bridges: Faculty of Health, Arts and Design Postgraduate Conference, Faculty of Health, Arts, and Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.
- Vimal Krishnan, R.., Onkar, P. S. (2018) The Influence of Affect-Cognition Interaction in Conceptual Design (poster presentation), 9th Design Computing and Cognition Conference held at Politecnico Di Milano, Italy.
- Vimal Krishnan, R.., Onkar, P. S. (2018). Virtual reality references in design problem solving: towards an understanding of affect-cognition interaction in conceptual design. 4th International AR and VR Conference, Held at Creative AR & VR Hub, Faculty of Business and Law, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Awards and Achievements
- 2023 - Certificate of Research Excellence for Research in Design, awarded by IIT Hyderabad
- 2022 - Certificate of Research Excellence for Research in Design, awarded by IIT Hyderabad
- 2019 - Certificate of Appreciation for Research in Design, awarded by IIT Hyderabad
- 2017 - Partnered Ph.D- IIT Hyderabad Scholarship, awarded by Swinburne University of Technology
- 2014- NET/JRF/SRF - Mass Communication and Journalism, awarded by University Grants Commission
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