- Designation : Assistant Professor
- Qualification : Ph.D
- Email-ID : vaishnavi@rajagiri.edu
Dr. Vaishnavi Balaji has done her PhD in Finance from Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, with her thesis entitled “An Empirical Study on the Efficiency of Intellectual Capital Components and its Impact on Shareholder Value Creation and Sustainable Growth Rate of Agribusiness Companies in India.” She has Scopus-indexed research publications and has presented her work at national and international conferences. She has also worked as a Research Assistant for a consultancy project. In addition to her academic achievements, she has successfully cleared the Common Proficiency Test conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
- Ph.D. in Finance, Department of Business School, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
- MBA Finance and Marketing, Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai.
- Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.), Annai Fathima College of Arts and Science, Madurai.
Journal Publication
- Balaji, V., & Mamilla, R. (2023). Intellectual capital efficiency and its impact on sustainable growth of Indian agribusiness sector. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 20(2), 193-216. Scopus Indexed Q2, Impact Factor (2023): 1.5, Cite Score (2023): 3.2.
- Balaji, V., & Mamilla, R. (2024). Intellectual Capital and Corporate Sustainable Growth: An Empirical Study on Indian Agribusinesses specific to Pesticides and Fertilizer Companies. Qubahan Academic Journal, 4(1), 1-18, Scopus Indexed Q1, Cite Score (2023): 5.8.
- Balaji, V., & Mamilla, R. (2022). Intellectual capital efficiency and its impact on sustainable development of agri-business sector in India. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 18059, Scopus Indexed.
- Balaji, V., & Mamilla, R.(2024). Does the Extended Value-Added Intellectual Capital components impact the Profitability of Indian Agribusiness Companies, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Scopus Indexed Q3, Cite Score(2023):1.5.
Paper Presentation
- Review on the Interrelationship between Intellectual Capital and Fiscal Performance of Companies, organized by Prestige Institute of Engineering Management & Research, Indore, India on “International Conference on Innovative Applications of Emerging Technologies and Management” (9th to 10th April 2021).
- Intellectual Capital efficiency and its impact on sustainable development of the Agri-Business sector in India, organized by Yamagata University (SPAST Foundation), Japan on International Conference on “Technologies for Smart Green Connected Societies (ICTSGS)” (29th to 30th Nov 2021).
- Sustainable Financial Performance and Intellectual Capital Practices: An Empirical Study on Indian Agribusiness Sector, organized by “Rajagiri Business School and Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kochi, in association with Fiji National University Suva, Fiji” on “Sustainable Development Goals in the post-pandemic world” (22nd and 23rd April 2022).
- Intellectual Capital and its impact on Sustainable Development, organized by IIM Bodh Gaya, on “Sustainable Goals (ICSG 2022)” (16th to 17th Sep 2022)
Workshop Attended
- Faculty Development Program organized by VITBS, VIT Vellore on “Multivariate analysis and Structural Equation Modelling” from 28th and 29th Feb 2020.
- Online Workshop organized by Anant Education Foundation on “Meta-Analysis for writing research papers” from 8th July to 12th July 2020.
- National level webinar organized by G.T Institute of Management Studies & Research on “Preparing and Publishing an article for National & International journals” on 13th July 2020.
- Online Workshop organized by Sashakt- A centre of empowerment on “Research Methodology & Data analysis using SPSS” from 20th to 24th July 2020.
- Webinar organized by Anant Education Foundation on “Multivariate analysis: Data reduction and classification techniques” from 31st July to 2nd Aug 2020.
- Executive Development programme organized by Pondicherry University School of Management on “Model Building” from 10th to 16th Aug 2020.
- Online Workshop organized by Dr.Ajoy and Dr Sartaj on “Advanced Multivariate Analysis (EFA, CFA & SEM)” from 10th to 11th Oct 2020.
- Online Workshop organized by Anant Education Foundation on “Systematic Literature Review- SRAM model” from 28th to 29th Nov 2020.
- International Training program organized by Special Minds on “AMOS: SEM &CFA” from 14th to 16th May 2021.
- Virtual seminar organized by Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on “Quality Metrics in Research” on 24th Feb 2022.
- IP Awareness Training Program organized by Intellectual Property Office, India on “National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission” on 5th May 2022.
- Management Development Program organized by VITBS, VIT Vellore, on Investment Decisions for Non-Financial Executives on June 5, 12, and 19, 2022.
- FDP organized by VIT Business School, VIT Vellore on “Research Opportunities, Multivariate analysis and SEM” from 16th to 18th June 2022.
- IoE Distinguished Lecture organized by Directorate of Ranking and IoE, VIT , Chennai, on “Getting Published in High Impact factor journals” on 19th October 2022.
- Workshop organized by the Office of Academic Research & EVR Periyar Library in association with Wiley Publishers at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, on “Author Workshop” on 7th December 2022.
- Workshop organized by the Office of Academic Research and VIT Business School on “Workshop on JMP Pro 17 - Statistical Data Analysis tool” from 5th to 6th April 2024.
- Workshop organized by Taylor & Francis Group on “Navigating Open Access Publishing: Strategies for Minimizing Rejections” on 6th August 2024.
Awards and Achievements
- Worked as a Research Assistant for a consultancy project in tie-up with VIT Vellore and Multimedia Universiti, Telekom, Malaysia, from May 2024 to September 2024.
- Secured First Prize in Articlethon for best paper presentation organized by VIT Businesss School, Vellore, 2023.
- Secured Best Outgoing Student award in B.Com. by Annai Fathima College of Arts and Science, 2017.
- Cleared common proficiency test- preliminary level in Chartered Accountant Course, 2013.
- Secured Awards for scoring centum in mathematics in class X and for scoring the highest mark in Sanskrit in class XII, 2013.
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