- Designation : Assistant Professor
- Qualification : Ph.D
- Email-ID : nausheen@rajagiri.edu
Dr. Hashmi holds a Ph.D. degree in Operations research from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. She also obtained her M.Phil in the area of Operations Research from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in RBS. Prior joining to RBS she was associated with IBM, GLA University Mathura. Her area of expertise includes Mathematical Programming, Fuzzy Programming, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management and Transportation Problems. She has published several Papers in reputed journals. One of her research article on supply chain management has recently been published in Computer &Industrial Engineering Journal (ABDC category A). During her research tenure she was an active researcher and presented her research work in national and international Conferences.
- Ph.D in Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
- M.Phil in Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
- M.Sc. Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University
- B.Ed., Integral University
- B.Sc. Physics, Aligarh Muslim University
Work Experience
- Institute of Business Management GLA University Mathura, August 2021-December 2022.
Area of interest
- Transportation and logistics Problems
- Mathematical programming formulations
- Multi-objective Optimization
- Bi-level Programming
- Supply Chain Management
- Fuzzy Programming
Journal Publication
- Syed Aqib Jalil, Ahteshamul Haq, Ali Al Owad, Nitesh Kumar & Nausheen Hashmi (2023, August) A hierarchical multi-level model for compromise allocation in multivariate stratified sample surveys with non-response problem in the journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, 278 (2023) 110839 (Scopus Q1).
- Jalil, S. A., Hashmi, N., Asim, Z., Javaid, S., (2018). A De-Centralized Bi-level Multi-objective Model for Integrated Production and Transportation Problems in Closed-Loop Supply Chain Networks", International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (Taylor & Francis, Scopus, ESCI).
- Hashmi, N., Jalil, S. A., Javaid, S., (2018). A Model for Two-Stage Fixed Charge Transportation Problem with Multiple Objectives and Fuzzy Linguistic Preferences, Soft Computing (Springer, Impact Factor: 3.643, SCI, Scopus).
- S. A., Javaid, Hashmi, N., Jalil, S., "A Decision Planning Model for Total Time Minimization Solid Transportation Problem under Uncertainty", International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences (ESCI, Scopus).
- Hashmi, N., Jalil, S. A., Javaid, S., “Carbon Footprint Based Multi-Objective Supplier Selection Problem with Uncertain Parameters and Fuzzy Linguistic Preferences”, journal of Sustainable Operations and Computers. (Scopus).
- Hashmi, S., Hashmi, N., Parveen, S,. Khan, N., (2022). “Perception of Young Generation Towards Elderly Women”, International journal of Trend and Development , Volume 9(3).
- Hashmi, N., Jalil, S. A., Javaid, S., Carbon Pricing and Carbon Trading: A Closed-loop Supply Chain Perspective Based on Two Fold uncertainty” (Computer and Industrial Engineering, SCI, Q1, ABDC category A).
Conference Proceedings
- Jalil, S. A., Hashmi, N., Asim, Z., Javaid, S. (2017, January). A Bi-Level Decision Planning Model for A Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network. In International Conference on Quality, Productivity, Reliability, Optimization & Modelling (ICQPROM 2017). IEEE International Conference.
Conferences Attended
- Vth National Conference on Statistical Inference, Sampling Techniques and Related Areas (Under DRS-(SAP-I) Program), March 14-15, 2015, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
- International Conference on Statistics and Related Areas for Equity, Sustainability and Development, November 28-30, 2015, Dept. of Statistics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India.
- Mini-Symposium on Complementarity and Game Theory Models, January 20-21, 2016, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre, New Delhi, India.
- Attended Short term course on "Advanced Optimization Techniques (AOT-2016)", November 21-25, 2016, Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Presented a research article entitled "A Fuzzy Approach for Solving Multi-Objective Solid Transportation Problem under Fuzzy Environment" at the "VIII International Symposium on Statistics and Optimization (ISSAC-2016)", December 17-19, 2016, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
- Presented a research article entitled "A Bi-Level Decision Planning Model for a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network" at the "International Conference on Quality, Productivity, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling", January 5-7, 2017, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, Haryana, India.
- Attended a training program "Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques and Research Paper writing Using LATEX software", March 16-22, 2017, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
- Presented a research article entitled "A Decision Planning Model for Total Time Minimization Solid Transportation Problem under Uncertainty" at the "International Conference on Mathematics-2017", August 4-5, 2017, Providence College for Women, Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Attended International Workshop on "Convex Analysis and Optimization (IWCAO-2017)", November 14-19, 2017, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, AMU, Aligarh, India.
- Presented a research article entitled "An Uncertain Model For Total Time Minimization Solid Transportation Planning Model" at the "VII National Conference on Optimization, Inference, Sampling Techniques and related Areas", March 09-10, 2019, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
Workshop Attended
- Online Elementary FDP on "Statistical and Optimization Techniques Using Software Packages" from 25/10/2021 to 29/10/2021 at Aligarh Muslim University.
- Online Elementary FDP on "Data Analytics in Business Research - Open Source" from 09/12/2021 to 13/12/2021 at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow.
- Online elementary FDP on “Language Proficiency training” from 8/08/2022 to 12/08/2022 organized by GLA university in collaboration with Imperial School UK.
Professional Memberships
- Lifetime member, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS).
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