- Designation : Assistant Professor
- Qualification : Ph.D
- Email-ID : minnu@rajagiri.edu
Minnu F. Pynadath holds a PhD from the School of Management Studies at Cochin University of Science and Technology, in the topic “Drivers and Patterns of Venture Capital Valuation of Startups in India”. With over eight years of teaching experience and two years of industry exposure, she brings in a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical insights. She served as program manager for Additional Skill Acquisition Programme for the Government of Kerala, demonstrating her commitment to skill development for young generations. She is a certified trainer in Data Science and has served as an Evaluation Panelist at events like the Kerala Maker League Make-a-thon Finals. She has presented papers at national and international conferences, including the 4th EntFin conference in Trier, Germany. Her participation in management development programs at various institutions including IIMs and significantly the prestigious Wharton Business School FDP reflects her dedication to continuous learning. Her publications in prestigious journals and recognition for her Ivey Case publication highlight her scholarly excellence. Moreover, she is a seasoned trainer in analytical tools, contributing to both corporate and educational settings.
- PhD – School of Management Studies, CUSAT
- MBA – M.G. University
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor – MBA Naipunnya Business School (2014 – 2017)
- Assistant Professor – MBA Naipunnya Business School (2012-2013)
- Programme Manager - Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP)2013 – 2014 -Department of Higher Education Board, Govt. Of Kerala
- Lecturer and Programme Coordinator -Programme Coordinator MBA - Naipunnya Business School (2010 – 2012) Lecturer in NIMIT- (2010 – 2012)
Area of interest
- Scientometric analysis, Network Analysis
- Big data analytics, Text analysis, Sentiment Analysis
- Financial Modelling, Panel data Analysis
- Entrepreneurial Finance, Valuation, Venture Capital, Business Incubation, Crowdfunding, Social Venture Capital, Derivatives
Trainings Given:
- Resource person for Higher Secondary School Transformation Programme (HSSTTP – Commerce- 2019) organized by Department of General Education and Higher Education (Topic: ‘Entrepreneurship and Start-ups’, Venue: Govt. College Kottayam)
- Resource Person for Sree Vivekananda College (Topic: Effective Resume Preparation)
- Resource person for ICT academy of Kerala’s as part of Certified Specialist in Data Science and Analytics program conducted on February 20, 2021. (Topic: Statistics for Data Science)
- Resource person for “Henry Harvin Education “for Design thinking Workshop (Topic: “Kano model for Product development”, March, May, June 2021 – Text analysis)
- Resource person for a webinar organized by Sree Vivekananda College conducted in June,2021. (Topic: A Hands-on Session on MS Excel)
Journal Publication
- Pynadath, M.F., Rofin, T.M. & Thomas, S. Evolution of customer relationship management to data mining-based customer relationship management: a scientometric analysis. Qual Quant 57, 3241–3272 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-022-01500-y (Journal: Quantity and Quality, Scopus Q1-Top 10 percentile, Publisher- Springer)
- Pynadath, M. F., & Thomas, S. (2022). Valuation of Growth START-up: A New Approach by Drawing Analogies and Variations Among Existing Methods. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 3619. Scopus -Q3
- Pynadath, M.F., Paulose V., Thomas, S. Book Title-Emerging Trends in Financial Development and Economic Growth, Chapter -'What drives venture capital financing of start-ups: Supply or Demand."
- Pynadath, M.F. and Thomas, S. (2021) ‘Social venture capital – a new investment alternative for Indian social entrepreneurs’, Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.230–245.
Case Study
Titled "From Mug to Mike: The Scale-Up Puzzle", publisher: Ivey Publishing House,in May 2023 with ISBN # W31817
Paper Presentation
- Presented a paper titled “Venture Capital as an Entrepreneurial Accelerator: A Scientometric Analysis on two decades of academic research” in 4th EntFin conference on July 2-3, 2019, in Trier, Germany.
- Presented three papers on Social Venture Capital, Disruptive Innovation, Data driven CRM in an International conference ICBM -2019 organized by Delhi Technological University
- Presented a paper titled “Tourism Development and Sustainability –A Resident Perspective” in a national conference on Contemporary Practices in Social Science Research organized by Panambilly Memorial College – 11th and 12th October 2018.
- Presented a Paper titled as “Hyper Funded Technology Start-ups Valuation -An empirical analysis” in a national conference organized by Department of Commerce, Government College, Kottayam-2018
Workshop Attended
- National Level Faculty Development Programme on ‘Demystifying Machine Learning’ organized by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham during 10th -14th December -2018
- Teaching Summer School on “Accounting and Finance” “organized by The Financial Research and Trading Laboratory and Indian Finance Association during April 23- 29, 2018 at IIM Calcutta
- Summer school on “Empirical Finance and Accounting research “organized by The Financial Research and Trading Laboratory and Indian Finance Association during May 1- 9, 2017 at IIM Calcutta
- Five days National Workshop on “Applied Econometrics for Research” Organized by SMS, CUSAT
- A five-day National Workshop on “Econometric Tools for Business Research “Organized by Pondicherry University
- Data Science and Analytics organized by IIIT Nagpur (ATAL Academy, Nov 30th to Dec 4th, 2020)
- “Six days hands-on FDP on Data Science using Python, R and Orange” held from 10th -15th August 2020. (Rajagiri College of Social Sciences)
- One-week online workshop on Panel data analysis 17th -22nd august 2020 (Department of Humanities, Delhi Technological University)
- 7 days FDP on “R Programming” (Department of Computer Science, St. Josephs College)
- Two-day hands-on FDP on "MS Excel essentials for academicians “20th and 21st November 2020 (Rajagiri College of Social Sciences)
- Research workshop on " Mixed-Methods Research" (Research and Publications Office IIM Ahmedabad by Prof. Devasmita Chakraverty)
- Attended an e-workshop on "Qualitative Analysis using NVivo” held from 27-29 January 2021.
- Attended an Online Workshop on “Web and Text Analysis”- 14th and 15th May 2021
- International FDP on “Recent Advances in Computer Science and Allied Domains (RACSAD – 2021)” organized by Sharadha University 5th -10th July 2021
- Attended workshop on "Regression Analysis and Event Study" from 29 July 2021-2nd August 2021
- Certified Specialist in Data Science and Analytics- ICT Academy
- Certified Trainer as Skill Development Executive for Additional Skill Acquisition Programme
- Project management- Management Development Programme at IIM- Kozhikode
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